Sunday, October 6, 2013

Poor little chins

In the last 2 months, all three boys have now split their chins open! First was William, who jumped into the pool but didn't clear the side and hit his chin. When Billy got home from work, William happened to be sleeping off the tragedy and we were able to super glue his chin while he was asleep. Then came Zachary, who fell on a metal merry go round in a kids gym within the first 5 minutes of us being there. Everything else in the whole room is totally padded and soft except the merry go round, go figure. A week later, Zachary was playing at a park which happened to have one of those hard to find merry go rounds, and guess what happened? Yep, he split his chin right back open on it again! His split was much smaller than Williams and only required a Band-Aid. Last night in the bath, Jameson was standing up and washing himself and being a little too silly. I turned my back for one second to hear a thump thump and the deed was done. Jameson was crying and holding his chin. When I peeled his hand away to look, sure enough it was split open pretty good and blood started oozing out. Billy was extended for the second night in a row until 8, so no where close by to help. I put a Band-Aid on Jameson's chin and this morning while Jameson drank his bottle, Billy and I super glued his little chin.
Having boys is such a bloody fun job ;)


  1. Oh dear! What are the chances!? I hope that stops now that they have all had their turn. Poor little guys.

  2. Seriously! All three! Grant split his chin this year too. I guess it IS a boy thing.

  3. Oh boys, I'm glad I had mostly girls who are a little more careful about their bodies ( most of the time anyway )

  4. Yikes! Asher bashed his chin in SB, but he didn't actually split it open. I guess he is the lucky one of the bunch?
