Friday, October 5, 2012

Mr. Independant

This morning William and Zachary got out their power tools to play with. They like to go around the house and "fix" things for me. Their are a few that take batteries and actually spin and move. William discovered that one of these had run out of batteries and he was determined to make it work. So, he went to the patio where we keep the screw drivers, said to himself (out loud) lefty loosey, and opened the battery panel. He then removed the old batteries, went and got two AA batteries from the drawer and replaced them in the tool and put the battery panel back on. Righty tighty and good to go! He then showed me his handy work, "look Mom, it works now."  All by himself.
What a guy. Good work William!


  1. Way to go William! He is going to grow up to be a handy man for sure!

  2. That is amazing! He sure is a little man!

  3. Just like dad. That is awesome.

  4. That's what happens when dad is gone and mom is busy... Good for him
