Sunday, July 30, 2017

A first for Jameson!

Amidst the chaos of the Whittier fire, Jameson lost his first tooth! It took me a little by surprise because he just seems TOO YOUNG for this first. But he is 5 years old and he did get his teeth starting at 4 months old vs 9 months old like his brothers. Not sure if that makes a difference or not...

Here he is with a his slightly shocked smile on July 15th
And one more really cute smile with his sweet little sister

Friday, July 28, 2017

A few Summer highlights so far

We have been enjoying summer break from school!

Swimming at the ranch pool

A day picking blueberries in Buelton

  Arts and crafts

And always- beach days!

This makes me realize I don't get the camera out enough. (even my phone camera).. but at least it's better than nothing!

4th of July 2017

Soon after Baseball ended came the 4th of July. This brings a big event and a lot of busy-ness to our family too. Billy, for some reason, has been in charge of the huge Montecito station pancake breakfast for the past few years. This year they were celebrating 100 years of service to the community and so it was free and HUGE.  I know that Billy was happy when the event was finally over- lots to coordinate and do.
We enjoyed the breakfast, bought some Montecito Fire swag, and walked down to the small little Montecito parade that follows. It was a nice morning.
 On the old fire truck in the small side engine bay.
 New hat and shirt- gotta give this cute guy new stuff once in a while ;)
Leila needed a shirt and hat too!


Just a couple pictures of Williams championship day of his tournament. They went undefeated and William was the starting pitcher for the final game! He did awesome and pitched 4 out of the 5 innings. We are so proud of him.

He was the only one on the team that was given a nick name... Bull Dog! For being so darn tough.